
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Xavier Roche and other contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Important notes:

- We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.

Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* File: httrack.c subroutines:                                 */
/*       various tools (filename analyzing ..)                  */
/* Author: Xavier Roche                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Internal engine bytecode */

/* String */
#include <ctype.h>
#include "htscore.h"
#include "htstools.h"
#include "htsstrings.h"
#include "htscharset.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "windows.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

// Portable directory find functions
#ifndef HTS_DEF_FWSTRUCT_find_handle_struct
#define HTS_DEF_FWSTRUCT_find_handle_struct
typedef struct find_handle_struct find_handle_struct;
#ifdef _WIN32
struct find_handle_struct {
  WIN32_FIND_DATAA hdata;
  HANDLE handle;
struct find_handle_struct {
  DIR *hdir;
  struct dirent *dirp;
  STRUCT_STAT filestat;
  char path[2048];
//#ifndef HTS_DEF_FWSTRUCT_topindex_chain
//#define HTS_DEF_FWSTRUCT_topindex_chain
//typedef struct topindex_chain topindex_chain;
//struct topindex_chain {
//  int level;                    /* sort level */
//  char *category;               /* category */
//  char name[2048];              /* path */
//  struct topindex_chain *next;  /* next element */

/* Tools */

static int ehexh(char c) {
  if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
    return c - '0';
  if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))
    c -= ('a' - 'A');
  if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))
    return (c - 'A' + 10);
  return 0;

static int ehex(const char *s) {
  return 16 * ehexh(*s) + ehexh(*(s + 1));

static void unescapehttp(const char *s, String * tempo) {
  size_t i;

  for(i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
    if (s[i] == '%' && s[i + 1] == '%') {
      StringAddchar(*tempo, '%');
    } else if (s[i] == '%') {
      char hc;

      hc = (char) ehex(s + i);
      StringAddchar(*tempo, (char) hc);
      i++;                      // sauter 2 caractères finalement
    } else if (s[i] == '+') {
      StringAddchar(*tempo, ' ');
    } else
      StringAddchar(*tempo, s[i]);

// forme à partir d'un lien et du contexte (origin_fil et origin_adr d'où il est tiré) adr et fil
// [adr et fil sont des buffers de 1ko]
// 0 : ok
// -1 : erreur
// -2 : protocole non supporté (ftp)
int ident_url_relatif(const char *lien, const char *origin_adr,
                      const char *origin_fil,
                      lien_adrfil* const adrfil) {
  int ok = 0;
  int scheme = 0;

  assertf(adrfil != NULL);

  adrfil->adr[0] = '\0';
  adrfil->fil[0] = '\0';                //effacer buffers

  // lien non vide!
  if (strnotempty(lien) == 0)
    return -1;                  // erreur!

  // Scheme?
    const char *a = lien;

    while(isalpha((unsigned char) *a))
    if (*a == ':')
      scheme = 1;

  // filtrer les parazites (mailto & cie)
  // scheme+authority (//)
  if ((strfield(lien, "http://"))       // scheme+//
      || (strfield(lien, "file://"))    // scheme+//
      || (strncmp(lien, "//", 2) == 0)  // // sans scheme (-> default)
    ) {
    if (ident_url_absolute(lien, adrfil) == -1) {
      ok = -1;                  // erreur URL
  } else if (strfield(lien, "ftp://")) {
    // Note: ftp:foobar.gif is not valid
    if (ftp_available()) {      // ftp supporté
      if (ident_url_absolute(lien, adrfil) == -1) {
        ok = -1;                // erreur URL
    } else {
      ok = -2;                  // non supporté
  } else if (strfield(lien, "https://")) {
    // Note: ftp:foobar.gif is not valid
    if (ident_url_absolute(lien, adrfil) == -1) {
      ok = -1;                // erreur URL
  } else if ((scheme) && ((!strfield(lien, "http:"))
                          && (!strfield(lien, "https:"))
                          && (!strfield(lien, "ftp:"))
             )) {
    ok = -1;                    // unknown scheme
  } else {                      // c'est un lien relatif
    // On forme l'URL complète à partie de l'url actuelle
    // et du chemin actuel si besoin est.

    // sanity check
    if (origin_adr == NULL || origin_fil == NULL 
      || *origin_adr == '\0' || *origin_fil == '\0') {
      return -1;

    // copier adresse
    if (((int) strlen(origin_adr) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE)
        && ((int) strlen(origin_fil) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE)
        && ((int) strlen(lien) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE)) {

      /* patch scheme if necessary */
      if (strfield(lien, "http:")) {
        lien += 5;
        strcpybuff(adrfil->adr, jump_protocol_const(origin_adr));     // même adresse ; protocole vide (http)
      } else if (strfield(lien, "https:")) {
        lien += 6;
        strcpybuff(adrfil->adr, "https://");    // même adresse forcée en https
        strcatbuff(adrfil->adr, jump_protocol_const(origin_adr));
      } else if (strfield(lien, "ftp:")) {
        lien += 4;
        strcpybuff(adrfil->adr, "ftp://");      // même adresse forcée en ftp
        strcatbuff(adrfil->adr, jump_protocol_const(origin_adr));
      } else {
        strcpybuff(adrfil->adr, origin_adr);    // même adresse ; et même éventuel protocole

      if (*lien != '/') {       // sinon c'est un lien absolu
        if (*lien == '\0') {
          strcpybuff(adrfil->fil, origin_fil);
        } else if (*lien == '?') {      // example: a href="?page=2"
          char *a;

          strcpybuff(adrfil->fil, origin_fil);
          a = strchr(adrfil->fil, '?');
          if (a)
            *a = '\0';
          strcatbuff(adrfil->fil, lien);
        } else {
          const char *a = strchr(origin_fil, '?');

          if (a == NULL)
            a = origin_fil + strlen(origin_fil);
          while((*a != '/') && (a > origin_fil))
          if (*a == '/') {      // ok on a un '/'
            if ((((int) (a - origin_fil)) + 1 + strlen(lien)) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
              // copier chemin
              strncpy(adrfil->fil, origin_fil, ((int) (a - origin_fil)) + 1);
              *(adrfil->fil + ((int) (a - origin_fil)) + 1) = '\0';

              // copier chemin relatif
              if (((int) strlen(adrfil->fil) + (int) strlen(lien)) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
                strcatbuff(adrfil->fil, lien + ((*lien == '/') ? 1 : 0));
                // simplifier url pour les ../
              } else
                ok = -1;        // erreur
            } else {            // erreur
              ok = -1;          // erreur URL
          } else {              // erreur
            ok = -1;            // erreur URL
      } else {                  // chemin absolu
        // copier chemin directement
        strcatbuff(adrfil->fil, lien);
      }                         // *lien!='/'
    } else
      ok = -1;

  }                             // test news: etc.

  // case insensitive pour adresse
    char *a = jump_identification(adrfil->adr);

    while(*a) {
      if ((*a >= 'A') && (*a <= 'Z'))
        *a += 'a' - 'A';

  // IDNA / RFC 3492 (Punycode) handling for HTTP(s)
  if (!link_has_authority(adrfil->adr) || strfield(adrfil->adr, "https:")) {
    char *const a = jump_identification(adrfil->adr);
    // Non-ASCII characters (theorically forbidden, but browsers are lenient)
    if (!hts_isStringAscii(a, strlen(a))) {
      char *const idna = hts_convertStringUTF8ToIDNA(a, strlen(a));
      if (idna != NULL) {
        if (strlen(idna) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
          strcpybuff(a, idna);

  return ok;

// créer dans s, à partir du chemin courant curr_fil, le lien vers link (absolu)
// un ident_url_relatif a déja été fait avant, pour que link ne soit pas un chemin relatif
int lienrelatif(char *s, const char *link, const char *curr_fil) {
  char BIGSTK _curr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
  char BIGSTK newcurr_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2], newlink[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];
  char *curr;

  //int n=0;
  char *a;
  int slash = 0;

  newcurr_fil[0] = '\0';
  newlink[0] = '\0';

  // patch: éliminer les ? (paramètres) sinon bug
    const char *a;

    if ((a = strchr(curr_fil, '?'))) {
      strncatbuff(newcurr_fil, curr_fil, (int) (a - curr_fil));
      curr_fil = newcurr_fil;
    if ((a = strchr(link, '?'))) {
      strncatbuff(newlink, link, (int) (a - link));
      link = newlink;

  // recopier uniquement le chemin courant
  curr = _curr;
  strcpybuff(curr, curr_fil);
  if ((a = strchr(curr, '?')) == NULL)  // couper au ? (params)
    a = curr + strlen(curr) - 1;        // pas de params: aller à la fin
  while((*a != '/') && (a > curr))
    a--;                        // chercher dernier / du chemin courant
  if (*a == '/')
    *(a + 1) = '\0';            // couper dernier /

  // "effacer" s
  s[0] = '\0';

  // sauter ce qui est commun aux 2 chemins
    const char *l;

    if (*link == '/')
      link++;                   // sauter slash
    if (*curr == '/')
    l = link;
    // couper ce qui est commun
    while((streql(*link, *curr)) && (*link != 0)) {
    // mais on veut un répertoirer entier!
    // si on a /toto/.. et /toto2/.. on ne veut pas sauter /toto !
    while(((*link != '/') || (*curr != '/')) && (link > l)) {
    //if (*link=='/') link++;
    //if (*curr=='/') curr++;

  // calculer la profondeur du répertoire courant et remonter
  a = curr;
  if (*a == '/')
    if (*(a++) == '/')
      strcatbuff(s, "../");
  //if (strlen(s)==0) strcatbuff(s,"/");

  if (slash)
    strcatbuff(s, "/");         // garder absolu!!

  // on est dans le répertoire de départ, copier
  strcatbuff(s, link + ((*link == '/') ? 1 : 0));

  /* Security check */
  if (strlen(s) >= HTS_URLMAXSIZE)
    return -1;

  // on a maintenant une chaine de la forme ../../test/truc.html  
  return 0;

/* Is the link absolute (http://www..) or relative (/bar/foo.html) ? */
int link_has_authority(const char *lien) {
  const char *a = lien;

  if (isalpha((unsigned char) *a)) {
    // Skip scheme?
    while(isalpha((unsigned char) *a))
    if (*a == ':')
      return 0;
  if (strncmp(a, "//", 2) == 0)
    return 1;
  return 0;

int link_has_authorization(const char *lien) {
  const char *adr = jump_protocol_const(lien);
  const char *firstslash = strchr(adr, '/');
  const char *detect = strchr(adr, '@');

  if (firstslash) {
    if (detect) {
      return (detect < firstslash);
  } else {
    return (detect != NULL);
  return 0;

// conversion chemin de fichier/dossier vers 8-3 ou ISO9660
void long_to_83(int mode, char *n83, char *save) {
  n83[0] = '\0';

  while(*save) {
    char fn83[256], fnl[256];
    size_t i, j;

    fn83[0] = fnl[0] = '\0';
    for(i = j = 0 ; save[i] && save[i] != '/' ; i++) {
      if (j + 1 < sizeof(fnl)) {
        fnl[j++] = save[i];
    fnl[j] = '\0';
    // conversion
    longfile_to_83(mode, fn83, fnl);
    strcatbuff(n83, fn83);

    save += i;
    if (*save == '/') {
      strcatbuff(n83, "/");

// conversion nom de fichier/dossier isolé vers 8-3 ou ISO9660
void longfile_to_83(int mode, char *n83, char *save) {
  int j = 0, max = 0;
  int i = 0;
  char nom[256];
  char ext[256];

  nom[0] = ext[0] = '\0';

  switch (mode) {
  case 1:
    max = 8;
  case 2:
    max = 31;
    max = 8;

  /* No starting . */
  if (save[0] == '.') {
    save[0] = '_';
  /* No multiple dots */
    char *last_dot = strrchr(save, '.');
    char *dot;

    while((dot = strchr(save, '.'))) {
      *dot = '_';
    if (last_dot) {
      *last_dot = '.';
     Avoid: (ISO9660, but also suitable for 8-3)
     (Thanks to jonat@cellcast.com for te hint)
     0x00-0x1f and 0x80-0xff
  for(i = 0, j = 0; save[i] != 0; i++) {
    char a = save[i];

    if (a >= 'a' && a <= 'z') {
      a -= 'a' - 'A';
    } else
      if (!
          ((a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z') || (a >= '0' && a <= '9') || a == '_'
           || a == '.')) {
      if (j != 0 && save[j - 1] == '_') {
        continue;  // avoid __
      a = '_';
    save[j++] = a;
  save[j] = '\0';

  i = j = 0;
  while((i < max) && (save[j]) && (save[j] != '.')) {
    if (save[j] != ' ') {
      nom[i] = save[j];
  }                             // recopier nom
  nom[i] = '\0';
  if (save[j]) {                // il reste au moins un point
    i = (int) strlen(save) - 1;
    while((i > 0) && (save[i] != '.') && (save[i] != '/'))
      i--;                      // rechercher dernier .
    if (save[i] == '.') {       // point!
      int j = 0;

      while((j < 3) && (save[i])) {
        if (save[i] != ' ') {
          ext[j] = save[i];
      ext[j] = '\0';
  // corriger vers 8-3
  n83[0] = '\0';
  strncatbuff(n83, nom, max);
  if (strnotempty(ext)) {
    strcatbuff(n83, ".");
    strncatbuff(n83, ext, 3);

// écrire backblue.gif
/* Note: utf-8 */
int verif_backblue(httrackp * opt, const char *base) {
  int ret = 0;

  if (!base) {                  // init
    opt->state.verif_backblue_done = 0;
    return 0;
  if ((!opt->state.verif_backblue_done)
      || (fsize_utf8(fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), base, "backblue.gif")) !=
          HTS_DATA_BACK_GIF_LEN)) {
    FILE *fp =
                 fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), base, "backblue.gif"));
    opt->state.verif_backblue_done = 1;
    if (fp) {
      if (fwrite(HTS_DATA_BACK_GIF, HTS_DATA_BACK_GIF_LEN, 1, fp) !=
        ret = 1;
      usercommand(opt, 0, NULL,
                  fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), base, "backblue.gif"), "", "");
    } else
      ret = 1;
    fp =
                 fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), base, "fade.gif"));
    if (fp) {
      if (fwrite(HTS_DATA_FADE_GIF, HTS_DATA_FADE_GIF_LEN, 1, fp) !=
        ret = 1;
      usercommand(opt, 0, NULL, fconcat(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt), OPT_GET_BUFF_SIZE(opt), base, "fade.gif"),
                  "", "");
    } else
      ret = 1;
  return ret;

// flag
int verif_external(httrackp * opt, int nb, int test) {
  const int flag = 1 << nb;
  int *const status = &opt->state.verif_external_status;
  if (!test)
    *status &= ~flag;             // reset
  else if ((*status & flag) == 0) {
    *status |= flag;
    return 1;
  return 0;

// recherche chaîne de type truc<espaces>=
// renvoi décalage à effectuer ou 0 si non trouvé
#define rech_tageq(adr,s) ( \
  ( (*(adr-1)=='<') || (is_space(*(adr-1))) ) ? \
    ( (streql(*adr,*s)) ? \
      (__rech_tageq(adr,s)) \
      : 0 \
    ) \
    : 0\
HTS_INLINE int rech_tageq(const char* adr,const char* s) { 
  if ( (*(adr-1)=='<') || (is_space(*(adr-1))) ) {   // <tag < tag etc
    if (streql(*adr,*s)) {                           // tester premier octet (optimisation)
      return __rech_tageq(adr,s);
  return 0;
// Deuxième partie
HTS_INLINE int __rech_tageq(const char *adr, const char *s) {
  int p;

  p = strfield(adr, s);
  if (p) {
    if (adr[p] == '=') {
      return p + 1;
  return 0;

HTS_INLINE int rech_tageq_all(const char *adr, const char *s) {
  int p;
  char quot = 0;
  const char *token = NULL;
  int s_len = (int) strlen(s);

  if (adr == NULL) {
    return 0;
  for(p = 0; adr[p] != 0; p++) {
    if (quot == 0) {
      if (adr[p] == '"' || adr[p] == '\'') {
        quot = adr[p];
      } else if (adr[p] == '=' || is_realspace(adr[p])) {
        token = NULL;
      } else if (adr[p] == '>') {
      } else {                  /* note: bogus for bogus foo = bar */
        if (token == NULL) {
          if (strncasecmp(&adr[p], s, s_len) == 0
              && (is_realspace(adr[p + s_len]) || adr[p + s_len] == '=')
            ) {
            for(p += s_len; is_realspace(adr[p]) || adr[p] == '='; p++) ;
            return p;
          token = &adr[p];
    } else if (adr[p] == quot) {
      quot = 0;
  return 0;

HTS_INLINE int rech_endtoken(const char *adr, const char **start) {
  char quote = '\0';
  int length = 0;

  if (*adr == '"' || *adr == '\'')
    quote = *adr++;
  *start = adr;
  while(*adr != 0 && *adr != quote && (quote != '\0' || !is_space(*adr))) {
  return length;

// same, but check beginning of adr with s (for <object src="bar.mov" .. hotspot123="foo.html">)
HTS_INLINE int __rech_tageqbegdigits(const char *adr, const char *s) {
  int p;

  p = strfield(adr, s);
  if (p) {
    while(isdigit((unsigned char) adr[p]))
      p++;                      // jump digits
    if (adr[p] == '=') {
      return p + 1;
  return 0;

// tag sans =
HTS_INLINE int rech_sampletag(const char *adr, const char *s) {
  int p;

  if ((*(adr - 1) == '<') || (is_space(*(adr - 1)))) {  // <tag < tag etc
    p = strfield(adr, s);
    if (p) {
      if (!isalnum((unsigned char) adr[p])) {   // <srcbis n'est pas <src
        return 1;
      return 0;
  return 0;

// teste si le tag contenu dans from est égal à "tag"
HTS_INLINE int check_tag(const char *from, const char *tag) {
  const char *a = from + 1;
  int i = 0;
  char s[256];

  for( ; (isalnum((unsigned char) *a) || (*a == '/')) && i + 1 < sizeof(s) ; i++, a++) {
    s[i] = *a;
  s[i] = '\0';
  return strfield2(s, tag);   // comparer

// teste si un fichier dépasse le quota
int istoobig(httrackp * opt, LLint size, LLint maxhtml, LLint maxnhtml,
             char *type) {
  int ok = 1;

  if (size > 0) {
    if (is_hypertext_mime(opt, type, "")) {
      if (maxhtml > 0) {
        if (size > maxhtml)
          ok = 0;
    } else {
      if (maxnhtml > 0) {
        if (size > maxnhtml)
          ok = 0;
  return (!ok);

static int sortTopIndexFnc(const void *a_, const void *b_) {
  int cmp;
  const topindex_chain *const*const a = (const topindex_chain *const*) a_;
  const topindex_chain *const*const b = (const topindex_chain *const*) b_;

  /* Category first, then name */
  if ((cmp = (*a)->level - (*b)->level) == 0) {
    if ((cmp = strcmpnocase((*a)->category, (*b)->category)) == 0) {
      cmp = strcmpnocase((*a)->name, (*b)->name);
  return cmp;

typedef struct hts_template_format_buf {
  FILE *fp;
  char *buffer;
  size_t size;
  size_t offset;
} hts_template_format_buf;

// note: upstream arg list MUST be NULL-terminated for safety
// returns a negative value upon error
static int hts_template_formatv(hts_template_format_buf *buf, 
                                const char *format, va_list args) {
#undef FPUTC
#undef FPUTS
#define FPUTC(C) do { \
  if (buf->fp != NULL) { \
    assertf(buf->buffer == NULL); \
    if (fputc(C, buf->fp) < 0) { \
      return -1; \
    } \
  } else { \
    assertf(buf->buffer != NULL); \
    if (buf->offset + 1 < buf->size) { \
      buf->buffer[buf->offset++] = (C); \
    } else { \
      return -1; \
    } \
  } \
} while(0)
#define FPUTS(S) do { \
  size_t i; \
  const char *const str_ = (S); \
  assertf(str_ != NULL); \
  for(i = 0 ; str_[i] != '\0' ; i++) { \
    FPUTC(str_[i]); \
  } \
} while(0)

  if (buf != NULL && format != NULL) {
    const char *arg_expanded[32];
    size_t i, nbArgs, posArgs;
    /* Expand internal code args. */
    const char *str;
    for(nbArgs = 0 ; ( str = va_arg(args, const char*) ) != NULL ; nbArgs++) {
      assertf(nbArgs < sizeof(arg_expanded)/sizeof(arg_expanded[0]));
      arg_expanded[nbArgs] = str;
    /* Expand user-injected format string. */
    for(posArgs = 0, i = 0 ; format[i] != '\0' ; i++) {
      const unsigned char c = format[i];
      if (c == '%') {
        const unsigned char cFormat = format[++i];
        switch(cFormat) {
        case '%':
        case 's':
          if (posArgs < nbArgs) {
            assertf(arg_expanded[posArgs] != NULL);
          } else {
            FPUTS("???");  /* error (args overflow) */
        default:  /* ignored */
      } else {
    /* Terminating NULL. */
    if (buf->buffer != NULL) {
      buf->buffer[buf->offset] = 0;
    return 1;
  } else {
    return -1;
#undef FPUTC
#undef FPUTS

// note: upstream arg list MUST be NULL-terminated for safety
// returns a negative value upon error
int hts_template_format(FILE *const out, const char *format, ...) {
  int success;
  hts_template_format_buf buf = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 };
  va_list args;
  buf.fp = out;
  va_start(args, format);
  success = hts_template_formatv(&buf, format, args);
  return success;

// note: upstream arg list MUST be NULL-terminated for safety
// returns a negative value upon error
int hts_template_format_str(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *format, ...) {
  int success;
  hts_template_format_buf buf = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 };
  va_list args;
  buf.buffer = buffer;
  buf.size = size;
  va_start(args, format);
  success = hts_template_formatv(&buf, format, args);
  return success;

/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
HTSEXT_API int hts_buildtopindex(httrackp * opt, const char *path,
                                 const char *binpath) {
  FILE *fpo;
  int retval = 0;
  char BIGSTK rpath[1024 * 2];
  char *toptemplate_header = NULL, *toptemplate_body =
    NULL, *toptemplate_footer = NULL, *toptemplate_bodycat = NULL;
  char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];

  // et templates html
  toptemplate_header =
    readfile_or(fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), binpath, "templates/topindex-header.html"),
  toptemplate_body =
    readfile_or(fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), binpath, "templates/topindex-body.html"),
  toptemplate_bodycat =
    readfile_or(fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), binpath, "templates/topindex-bodycat.html"),
  toptemplate_footer =
    readfile_or(fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), binpath, "templates/topindex-footer.html"),

  if (toptemplate_header && toptemplate_body && toptemplate_footer
      && toptemplate_bodycat) {

    strcpybuff(rpath, path);
    if (rpath[0]) {
      if (rpath[strlen(rpath) - 1] == '/')
        rpath[strlen(rpath) - 1] = '\0';

    fpo = fopen(fconcat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), rpath, "/index.html"), "wb");
    if (fpo) {
      find_handle h;

      verif_backblue(opt, concat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), rpath, "/")); // générer gif
      // Header
      hts_template_format(fpo, toptemplate_header,
              "<!-- Mirror and index made by HTTrack Website Copier/"
              HTTRACK_VERSION " " HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS " -->", /* EOF */ NULL);

      /* Find valid project names */
      h = hts_findfirst(rpath);
      if (h) {
        struct topindex_chain *chain = NULL;
        struct topindex_chain *startchain = NULL;
        String iname = STRING_EMPTY;
        int chainSize = 0;

        do {
          if (hts_findisdir(h)) {
            StringCopy(iname, rpath);
            StringCat(iname, "/");
            StringCat(iname, hts_findgetname(h));
            StringCat(iname, "/index.html");
            if (fexist(StringBuff(iname))) {
              int level = 0;
              char *category = NULL;
              struct topindex_chain *oldchain = chain;

              /* Check for an existing category */
              StringCopy(iname, rpath);
              StringCat(iname, "/");
              StringCat(iname, hts_findgetname(h));
              StringCat(iname, "/hts-cache/winprofile.ini");
              if (fexist(StringBuff(iname))) {
                category = hts_getcategory(StringBuff(iname));
                if (category != NULL) {
                  if (*category == '\0') {
                    category = NULL;
              if (category == NULL) {
                category = strdupt("No categories");
                level = 1;

              chain = calloc(sizeof(struct topindex_chain), 1);
              if (!startchain) {
                startchain = chain;
              if (chain) {
                if (oldchain) {
                  oldchain->next = chain;
                chain->next = NULL;
                strcpybuff(chain->name, hts_findgetname(h));
                chain->category = category;
                chain->level = level;

        } while(hts_findnext(h));

        /* Sort chain */
          struct topindex_chain **sortedElts =
            (struct topindex_chain **) calloct(sizeof(topindex_chain *),
          assertf(sortedElts != NULL);
          if (sortedElts != NULL) {
            int i;
            const char *category = "";

            /* Build array */
            struct topindex_chain *chain = startchain;

            for(i = 0; i < chainSize; i++) {
              assertf(chain != NULL);
              sortedElts[i] = chain;
              chain = chain->next;
            qsort(sortedElts, chainSize, sizeof(topindex_chain *),

            /* Build sorted index */
            for(i = 0; i < chainSize; i++) {
              char BIGSTK hname[HTS_URLMAXSIZE * 2];

              escape_uri_utf(sortedElts[i]->name, hname, sizeof(hname));

              /* Changed category */
              if (strcmp(category, sortedElts[i]->category) != 0) {
                category = sortedElts[i]->category;
                hts_template_format(fpo, toptemplate_bodycat, category, /* EOF */ NULL);
              hts_template_format(fpo, toptemplate_body, hname, sortedElts[i]->name, /* EOF */ NULL);

            /* Wipe elements */
            for(i = 0; i < chainSize; i++) {
              sortedElts[i] = NULL;

            /* Return value */
            retval = 1;

      // Footer
      hts_template_format(fpo, toptemplate_footer,
              "<!-- Mirror and index made by HTTrack Website Copier/"
              HTTRACK_VERSION " " HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS " -->", /* EOF */ NULL);




  if (toptemplate_header)
  if (toptemplate_body)
  if (toptemplate_footer)
  if (toptemplate_body)

  return retval;

/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
HTSEXT_API char *hts_getcategory(const char *filename) {
  String categ = STRING_EMPTY;

  if (fexist(filename)) {
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");

    if (fp != NULL) {
      int done = 0;

      while(!feof(fp) && !done) {
        char BIGSTK line[1024];
        int n = linput(fp, line, sizeof(line) - 2);

        if (n > 0) {
          if (strfield(line, "category=")) {
            unescapehttp(line + 9, &categ);
            done = 1;
  return StringBuffRW(categ);

/* Note: NOT utf-8 */
HTSEXT_API char *hts_getcategories(char *path, int type) {
  String categ = STRING_EMPTY;
  String profiles = STRING_EMPTY;
  char *rpath = path;
  find_handle h;
  coucal hashCateg = NULL;

  if (rpath[0]) {
    if (rpath[strlen(rpath) - 1] == '/') {
      rpath[strlen(rpath) - 1] = '\0';  /* note: patching stored (inhash) value */
  h = hts_findfirst(rpath);
  if (h) {
    String iname = STRING_EMPTY;

    if (type == 1) {
      hashCateg = coucal_new(0);
      coucal_set_name(hashCateg, "hashCateg");
      StringCat(categ, "Test category 1");
      StringCat(categ, "\r\nTest category 2");
    do {
      if (hts_findisdir(h)) {
        char BIGSTK line2[1024];

        StringCopy(iname, rpath);
        StringCat(iname, "/");
        StringCat(iname, hts_findgetname(h));
        StringCat(iname, "/hts-cache/winprofile.ini");
        if (fexist(StringBuff(iname))) {
          if (type == 1) {
            FILE *fp = fopen(StringBuff(iname), "rb");

            if (fp != NULL) {
              int done = 0;

              while(!feof(fp) && !done) {
                int n = linput(fp, line2, sizeof(line2) - 2);

                if (n > 0) {
                  if (strfield(line2, "category=")) {
                    if (*(line2 + 9)) {
                      if (!coucal_read(hashCateg, line2 + 9, NULL)) {
                        coucal_write(hashCateg, line2 + 9, 0);
                        if (StringLength(categ) > 0) {
                          StringCat(categ, "\r\n");
                        unescapehttp(line2 + 9, &categ);
                    done = 1;
              line2[0] = '\0';
          } else {
            if (StringLength(profiles) > 0) {
              StringCat(profiles, "\r\n");
            StringCat(profiles, hts_findgetname(h));

    } while(hts_findnext(h));
  if (hashCateg) {
    hashCateg = NULL;
  if (type == 1)
    return StringBuffRW(categ);
    return StringBuffRW(profiles);

// Portable directory find functions
// Example:
find_handle h = hts_findfirst("/tmp");
if (h) {
  do {
    if (hts_findisfile(h))
      printf("File: %s (%d octets)\n",hts_findgetname(h),hts_findgetsize(h));
    else if (hts_findisdir(h))
      printf("Dir: %s\n",hts_findgetname(h));
  } while(hts_findnext(h));
HTSEXT_API find_handle hts_findfirst(char *path) {
  if (path) {
    if (strnotempty(path)) {
      find_handle_struct *find =
        (find_handle_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(find_handle_struct));
      if (find) {
        memset(find, 0, sizeof(find_handle_struct));
#ifdef _WIN32
          char BIGSTK rpath[1024 * 2];

          strcpybuff(rpath, path);
          if (rpath[0]) {
            if (rpath[strlen(rpath) - 1] != '\\')
              strcatbuff(rpath, "\\");
          strcatbuff(rpath, "*.*");
          find->handle = FindFirstFileA(rpath, &find->hdata);
          if (find->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            return find;
        strcpybuff(find->path, path);
          if (find->path[0]) {
            if (find->path[strlen(find->path) - 1] != '/')
              strcatbuff(find->path, "/");
        find->hdir = opendir(path);
        if (find->hdir != NULL) {
          if (hts_findnext(find) == 1)
            return find;
        free((void *) find);
  return NULL;

HTSEXT_API int hts_findnext(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if ((FindNextFileA(find->handle, &find->hdata)))
      return 1;
    char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];

    memset(&(find->filestat), 0, sizeof(find->filestat));
    if ((find->dirp = readdir(find->hdir)))
      if (find->dirp->d_name)
        if (!STAT
            (concat(catbuff, sizeof(catbuff), find->path, find->dirp->d_name), &find->filestat))
          return 1;
  return 0;

HTSEXT_API int hts_findclose(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (find->handle) {
      find->handle = NULL;
    if (find->hdir) {
      find->hdir = NULL;
    free((void *) find);
  return 0;

HTSEXT_API char *hts_findgetname(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    return find->hdata.cFileName;
    if (find->dirp)
      return find->dirp->d_name;
  return NULL;

HTSEXT_API int hts_findgetsize(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    return find->hdata.nFileSizeLow;
    return find->filestat.st_size;
  return -1;

HTSEXT_API int hts_findisdir(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
    if (!hts_findissystem(find)) {
#ifdef _WIN32
      if (find->hdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        return 1;
      if (S_ISDIR(find->filestat.st_mode))
        return 1;
  return 0;
HTSEXT_API int hts_findisfile(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
    if (!hts_findissystem(find)) {
#ifdef _WIN32
      if (!(find->hdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
        return 1;
      if (S_ISREG(find->filestat.st_mode))
        return 1;
  return 0;
HTSEXT_API int hts_findissystem(find_handle find) {
  if (find) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (find->hdata.
      return 1;
    else if ((!strcmp(find->hdata.cFileName, ".."))
             || (!strcmp(find->hdata.cFileName, ".")))
      return 1;
    if ((S_ISCHR(find->filestat.st_mode))
        || (S_ISBLK(find->filestat.st_mode))
        || (S_ISFIFO(find->filestat.st_mode))
        || (S_ISSOCK(find->filestat.st_mode))
      return 1;
    else if ((!strcmp(find->dirp->d_name, ".."))
             || (!strcmp(find->dirp->d_name, ".")))
      return 1;
  return 0;

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